(function ($) { effectsIn = [ 'bounceIn', 'bounceInDown', 'bounceInUp', 'bounceInLeft', 'bounceInRight', 'fadeIn', 'fadeInUp', 'fadeInDown', 'fadeInLeft', 'fadeInRight', 'fadeInUpBig', 'fadeInDownBig', 'fadeInLeftBig', 'fadeInRightBig', 'flipInX', 'flipInY', 'foolishIn', //- 'lightSpeedIn', 'rollIn', 'rotateIn', 'rotateInDownLeft', 'rotateInDownRight', 'rotateInUpLeft', 'rotateInUpRight', 'twisterInDown', //- 'twisterInUp', //- 'swap', //- 'swashIn', //- 'tinRightIn', //- 'tinLeftIn', //- 'tinUpIn', //- 'tinDownIn', //- ]; effectsOut = [ 'bombRightOut', //- 'bombLeftOut', //- 'bounceOut', 'bounceOutDown', 'bounceOutUp', 'bounceOutLeft', 'bounceOutRight', 'fadeOut', 'fadeOutUp', 'fadeOutDown', 'fadeOutLeft', 'fadeOutRight', 'fadeOutUpBig', 'fadeOutDownBig', 'fadeOutLeftBig', 'fadeOutRightBig', 'flipOutX', 'flipOutY', 'foolishOut', //- 'hinge', 'holeOut', //- 'lightSpeedOut', 'puffOut', //- 'rollOut', 'rotateOut', 'rotateOutDownLeft', 'rotateOutDownRight', 'rotateOutUpLeft', 'rotateOutUpRight', 'rotateDown', //- 'rotateUp', //- 'rotateLeft', //- 'rotateRight', //- 'swashOut', //- 'tinRightOut', //- 'tinLeftOut', //- 'tinUpOut', //- 'tinDownOut', //- 'vanishOut' //- ]; var e_in_length = effectsIn.length; var e_out_length = effectsOut.length; $.fn.mdSlider = function (options) { var defaults = { className: 'md-slide-wrap', itemClassName: 'md-slide-item', transitions: 'strip-down-left', // name of transition effect (fade, scrollLeft, scrollRight, scrollHorz, scrollUp, scrollDown, scrollVert) transitionsSpeed: 800, // speed of the transition (millisecond) width: 990, // responsive = false: this appear as container width; responsive = true: use for scale ;fullwidth = true: this is effect zone width height: 420, // container height responsive: true, fullwidth: true, styleBorder: 0, // Border style, from 1 - 9, 0 to disable styleShadow: 0, // Dropshadow style, from 1 - 5, 0 to disable posBullet: 2, // Bullet position, from 1 to 6, default is 5 posThumb: 1, // Thumbnail position, from 1 to 5, default is 1 stripCols: 20, stripRows: 10, slideShowDelay: 6000, // stop time for each slide item (millisecond) slideShow: true, loop: false, pauseOnHover: false, showLoading: true, // Show/hide loading bar loadingPosition: 'bottom', // choose your loading bar position (top, bottom) showArrow: true, // show/hide next, previous arrows showBullet: true, videoBox: false, showThumb: true, // Show thumbnail, if showBullet = true and showThumb = true, thumbnail will be shown when you hover bullet navigation enableDrag: true, // Enable mouse drag touchSensitive: 50, onEndTransition: function () { }, //this callback is invoked when the transition effect ends onStartTransition: function () { } //this callback is invoked when the transition effect starts }; options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); var self = $(this), slideItems = [], oIndex, activeIndex = -1, numItem = 0, slideWidth, slideHeight, lock = true, wrap, hoverDiv, hasTouch, arrowButton, buttons, loadingBar, timerGlow, slideThumb, minThumbsLeft = 0, touchstart = false, isScrolling, mouseleft, thumbsDrag = false, slideShowDelay = 0, play = false, pause = false, timer, step = 0; var Utils = { /** * range Get an array of numbers within a range * @param min {number} Lowest number in array * @param max {number} Highest number in array * @param rand {bool} Shuffle array * @return {array} */ range: function (min, max, rand) { var arr = ( new Array(++max - min) ).join('.').split('.').map(function (v, i) { return min + i }); return rand ? arr.map(function (v) { return [Math.random(), v] }).sort().map(function (v) { return v[1] }) : arr; } }; // init function init() { if ("ActiveXObject" in window) $(".md-item-opacity", self).addClass("md-ieopacity"); self.addClass("loading-image"); var slideClass = ''; if (options.responsive) slideClass += ' md-slide-responsive'; if (options.fullwidth) slideClass += ' md-slide-fullwidth'; if (options.showBullet && options.posBullet) slideClass += ' md-slide-bullet-' + options.posBullet; if (!options.showBullet && options.showThumb && options.posThumb) slideClass += ' md-slide-thumb-' + options.posThumb; self.wrap('
'); hoverDiv = self.parent(); wrap = hoverDiv.parent(); slideWidth = options.responsive ? self.width() : options.width; slideHeight = options.height; slideItems = []; hasTouch = documentHasTouch(); if (hasTouch) wrap.addClass("md-touchdevice"); // self.find('.' + options.itemClassName).each(function (index) { numItem++; slideItems[index] = $(this); $(this).find(".md-object").each(function () { var top = $(this).data("y") ? $(this).data("y") : 0, left = $(this).data("x") ? $(this).data("x") : 0, width = $(this).data("width") ? $(this).data("width") : 0, height = $(this).data("height") ? $(this).data("height") : 0; if (width > 0) { $(this).width((width / options.width * 100) + "%"); } if (height > 0) { $(this).height((height / options.height * 100) + "%"); } var css = { top: (top / options.height * 100) + "%", left: (left / options.width * 100) + "%" }; $(this).css(css); }); if (index > 0) $(this).hide(); }); initControl(); initDrag(); if (options.slideShow) { play = true; } $('.md-object', self).hide(); if ($(".md-video", wrap).size() > 0) { if (options.videoBox) { $(".md-video", wrap).mdvideobox(); } else { var videoCtrl = $(''); wrap.append(videoCtrl); $(".md-video", wrap).click(function () { var video_ele = $(""); video_ele.attr('allowFullScreen', '').attr('frameborder', '0').css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", background: "black" }); video_ele.attr("src", $(this).attr("href")); var closeButton = $(''); closeButton.click(function () { videoCtrl.html("").hide(); play = true; return false; }); videoCtrl.html("").append(video_ele).append(closeButton).show(); play = false; return false; }); } } $(window).resize(function () { resizeWindow(); }).trigger("resize"); preloadImages(); // process when un-active tab var inActiveTime = false; $(window).blur(function () { inActiveTime = (new Date()).getTime(); }); $(window).focus(function () { if (inActiveTime) { var duration = (new Date()).getTime() - inActiveTime; if (duration > slideShowDelay - step) step = slideShowDelay - 200; else step += duration; inActiveTime = false; } }); } function initControl() { // Loading bar if (options.slideShow && options.showLoading) { var loadingDiv = $('
'); wrap.append(loadingDiv); loadingBar = $(".br-timer-bar", loadingDiv); timerGlow = $(".br-timer-glow", loadingDiv); } if (options.slideShow && options.pauseOnHover) { hoverDiv.hover(function () { pause = true; }, function () { pause = false; }); } // Border if (options.styleBorder != 0) { var borderDivs = '
'; borderDivs += '
'; if (!options.fullwidth) { borderDivs += '
'; borderDivs += '
'; } wrap.append(borderDivs); } // Shadow if (options.styleShadow != 0) { var shadowDivs = '
'; } // Next, preview arrow if (options.showArrow) { arrowButton = $('
'); hoverDiv.append(arrowButton); $('.md-arrow-right', arrowButton).bind('click', function () { slideNext(); }); $('.md-arrow-left', arrowButton).bind('click', function () { slidePrev(); }); } ; if (options.showBullet != false) { buttons = $('
'); wrap.append(buttons); for (var i = 0; i < numItem; i++) { buttons.append('
'); } ; if (options.showThumb) { var thumbW = parseInt(self.data("thumb-width")), thumbH = parseInt(self.data("thumb-height")); for (var i = 0; i < numItem; i++) { var thumbSrc = slideItems[i].data("thumb"), thumbType = slideItems[i].data("thumb-type"), thumbAlt = slideItems[i].data("thumb-alt"); if (thumbSrc) { var thumb; if (thumbType == "image") thumb = $('').attr("src", thumbSrc).attr("alt", slideItems[i].data("thumb-alt")).css({ top: -(9 + thumbH) + "px", left: -(thumbW / 2 - 2) + "px", opacity: 0 }) else thumb = $("").attr("style", thumbSrc).css({ top: -(9 + thumbH) + "px", left: -(thumbW / 2 - 2) + "px", opacity: 0 }); $('div.md-bullet:eq(' + i + ')', buttons).append(thumb).append('
'); } } $('div.md-bullet', buttons).hover(function () { $(this).addClass('md_hover'); $("img, span", this).show().animate({'opacity': 1}, 200); $('.md-thumb-arrow', this).show().animate({'opacity': 1}, 200); }, function () { $(this).removeClass('md_hover'); $('img, span', this).animate({'opacity': 0}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); }); $('.md-thumb-arrow', this).animate({'opacity': 0}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); }); }); } $('div.md-bullet', wrap).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('md-current')) { return false; } ; var index = $(this).attr('rel'); slide(index); }); } else if (options.showThumb) { var thumbDiv = $('
').appendTo(wrap); slideThumb = $(".md-thumb-items", thumbDiv); for (var i = 0; i < numItem; i++) { var thumbSrc = slideItems[i].data("thumb"), thumbType = slideItems[i].data("thumb-type"), thumbAlt = slideItems[i].data("thumb-alt"); if (thumbSrc) { var $link = $('').attr("rel", i); if (thumbType == "image") $link.append($('').attr("src", thumbSrc).attr("alt", slideItems[i].data("thumb-alt"))) else $link.append($('').attr("style", thumbSrc).css("display", "inline-block")); slideThumb.append($link); } } $("a", slideThumb).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('md-current') || thumbsDrag) { return false; } ; var index = $(this).attr('rel'); slide(index); }); } } function initDrag() { if (hasTouch) { self.bind('touchstart', function (event) { if (touchstart) return false; event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; touchstart = true; isScrolling = undefined; self.mouseY = event.pageY; self.mouseX = event.pageX; }); self.bind('touchmove', function (event) { event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; if (touchstart) { var pageX = (event.pageX || event.clientX); var pageY = (event.pageY || event.clientY); if (typeof isScrolling == 'undefined') { isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(pageY - self.mouseY) > Math.abs(pageX - self.mouseX) ) } if (isScrolling) { touchstart = false; return } else { mouseleft = pageX - self.mouseX; return false; } } ; return; }); self.bind('touchend', function (event) { if (touchstart) { touchstart = false; if (mouseleft > options.touchSensitive) { slidePrev(); mouseleft = 0; return false; } else if (mouseleft < -options.touchSensitive) { slideNext(); mouseleft = 0; return false; } } }); } else { hoverDiv.hover(function () { if (arrowButton) { arrowButton.addClass('active'); } }, function () { if (arrowButton) { arrowButton.removeClass('active'); } }); wrap.trigger("hover"); } if (options.enableDrag) { self.mousedown(function (event) { if (!touchstart) { touchstart = true; isScrolling = undefined; self.mouseY = event.pageY; self.mouseX = event.pageX; } ; return false; }); self.mousemove(function (event) { if (touchstart) { var pageX = (event.pageX || event.clientX); var pageY = (event.pageY || event.clientY); if (typeof isScrolling == 'undefined') { isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(pageY - self.mouseY) > Math.abs(pageX - self.mouseX) ) } if (isScrolling) { touchstart = false; return } else { mouseleft = pageX - self.mouseX; return false; } } ; return; }); self.mouseup(function (event) { if (touchstart) { touchstart = false; if (mouseleft > options.touchSensitive) { slidePrev(); } else if (mouseleft < -options.touchSensitive) { slideNext(); } mouseleft = 0; return false; } }); self.mouseleave(function (event) { self.mouseup(); }); } ; } function resizeThumbDiv() { if (slideThumb) { slideThumb.unbind("touchstart"); slideThumb.unbind("touchmove"); slideThumb.unbind("touchmove"); slideThumb.css("left", 0); var thumbsWidth = 0, thumbDiv = slideThumb.parent().parent(); $("a.md-thumb-item", slideThumb).each(function () { if ($("img", $(this)).length > 0) { if ($("img", $(this)).css("borderLeftWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("img", $(this)).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10); if ($("img", $(this)).css("borderRightWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("img", $(this)).css("borderRightWidth"), 10); if ($("img", $(this)).css("marginLeft")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("img", $(this)).css("marginLeft"), 10); if ($("img", $(this)).css("marginRight")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("img", $(this)).css("marginRight"), 10); } else { if ($("span", $(this)).css("borderLeftWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("span", $(this)).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10); if ($("span", $(this)).css("borderRightWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("span", $(this)).css("borderRightWidth"), 10); if ($("span", $(this)).css("marginLeft")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("span", $(this)).css("marginLeft"), 10); if ($("span", $(this)).css("marginRight")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($("span", $(this)).css("marginRight"), 10); } if ($(this).css("borderLeftWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($(this).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10); if ($(this).css("borderRightWidth")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($(this).css("borderRightWidth"), 10); if ($(this).css("marginLeft")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($(this).css("marginLeft"), 10); if ($(this).css("marginRight")) thumbsWidth += parseInt($(this).css("marginRight"), 10); thumbsWidth += parseInt(self.data("thumb-width")); }); $(".md-thumb-next", thumbDiv).remove(); $(".md-thumb-prev", thumbDiv).remove(); if (thumbsWidth > $(".md-thumb-container", thumbDiv).width()) { minThumbsLeft = $(".md-thumb-container", thumbDiv).width() - thumbsWidth; slideThumb.width(thumbsWidth); thumbDiv.append('
'); $(".md-thumb-prev", thumbDiv).click(function () { scollThumb("right"); }); $(".md-thumb-next", thumbDiv).click(function () { scollThumb("left"); }); checkThumbArrow(); if (hasTouch) { thumbsDrag = true; var thumbTouch, thumbLeft; slideThumb.bind('touchstart', function (event) { event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; thumbTouch = true; this.mouseX = event.pageX; thumbLeft = slideThumb.position().left; return false; }); slideThumb.bind('touchmove', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; if (thumbTouch) { slideThumb.css("left", thumbLeft + event.pageX - this.mouseX); } ; return false; }); slideThumb.bind('touchend', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; thumbTouch = false; if (Math.abs(event.pageX - this.mouseX) < options.touchSensitive) { var item = $(event.target).closest('a.md-thumb-item'); if (item.length) { slide(item.attr('rel')); } slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: thumbLeft}, 400); return false; } if (slideThumb.position().left < minThumbsLeft) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: minThumbsLeft}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } else if (slideThumb.position().left > 0) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: 0}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } thumbLeft = 0; return false; }); } } } } function scollThumb(position) { if (slideThumb) { if (position == "left") { var thumbLeft = slideThumb.position().left; if (thumbLeft > minThumbsLeft) { var containerWidth = $(".md-thumb-container", wrap).width(); if ((thumbLeft - containerWidth) > minThumbsLeft) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: thumbLeft - containerWidth}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } else { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: minThumbsLeft}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } } } else if (position == "right") { var thumbLeft = slideThumb.position().left; if (thumbLeft < 0) { var containerWidth = $(".md-thumb-container", wrap).width(); if ((thumbLeft + containerWidth) < 0) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: thumbLeft + containerWidth}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } else { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: 0}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } } } else { var thumbCurrent = $("a", slideThumb).index($("a.md-current", slideThumb)); if (thumbCurrent >= 0) { var thumbLeft = slideThumb.position().left; var currentLeft = thumbCurrent * $("a", slideThumb).width(); if (currentLeft + thumbLeft < 0) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: -currentLeft}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } else { var currentRight = currentLeft + $("a", slideThumb).width(); var containerWidth = $(".md-thumb-container", wrap).width(); if (currentRight + thumbLeft > containerWidth) { slideThumb.stop(true, true).animate({left: containerWidth - currentRight}, 400, function () { checkThumbArrow() }); } } } } } } function checkThumbArrow() { var thumbLeft = slideThumb.position().left; if (thumbLeft > minThumbsLeft) { $(".md-thumb-next", wrap).show(); } else { $(".md-thumb-next", wrap).hide(); } if (thumbLeft < 0) { $(".md-thumb-prev", wrap).show(); } else { $(".md-thumb-prev", wrap).hide(); } } function slide(index) { step = 0; slideShowDelay = slideItems[index].data("timeout") ? slideItems[index].data("timeout") : options.slideShowDelay; if (loadingBar) { var width = step * slideWidth / slideShowDelay; loadingBar.width(width); timerGlow.css({left: width - 100 + 'px'}); } oIndex = activeIndex; activeIndex = index; options.onStartTransition.call(self); if (slideItems[oIndex]) { $('div.md-bullet:eq(' + oIndex + ')', buttons).removeClass('md-current'); $('a:eq(' + oIndex + ')', slideThumb).removeClass('md-current'); removeTheCaptions(slideItems[oIndex]); var fx = options.transitions; //Generate random transition if (options.transitions.toLowerCase() == 'random') { var transitions = new Array( 'slit-horizontal-left-top', 'slit-horizontal-top-right', 'slit-horizontal-bottom-up', 'slit-vertical-down', 'slit-vertical-up', 'strip-up-right', 'strip-up-left', 'strip-down-right', 'strip-down-left', 'strip-left-up', 'strip-left-down', 'strip-right-up', 'strip-right-down', 'strip-right-left-up', 'strip-right-left-down', 'strip-up-down-right', 'strip-up-down-left', 'left-curtain', 'right-curtain', 'top-curtain', 'bottom-curtain', 'slide-in-right', 'slide-in-left', 'slide-in-up', 'slide-in-down', 'fade'); fx = transitions[Math.floor(Math.random() * (transitions.length + 1))]; if (fx == undefined) fx = 'fade'; fx = $.trim(fx.toLowerCase()); } //Run random transition from specified set (eg: effect:'strip-left-fade,right-curtain') if (options.transitions.indexOf(',') != -1) { var transitions = options.transitions.split(','); fx = transitions[Math.floor(Math.random() * (transitions.length))]; if (fx == undefined) fx = 'fade'; fx = $.trim(fx.toLowerCase()); } //Custom transition as defined by "data-transition" attribute if (slideItems[activeIndex].data('transition')) { var transitions = slideItems[activeIndex].data('transition').split(','); fx = transitions[Math.floor(Math.random() * (transitions.length))]; fx = $.trim(fx.toLowerCase()); } if (!(this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms3d) && (fx == 'slit-horizontal-left-top' || fx == 'slit-horizontal-top-right' || fx == 'slit-horizontal-bottom-up' || fx == 'slit-vertical-down' || fx == 'slit-vertical-up')) { fx = 'fade'; } lock = true; runTransition(fx); if (buttons) $('div.md-bullet:eq(' + activeIndex + ')', buttons).addClass('md-current'); if (slideThumb) $('a:eq(' + activeIndex + ')', slideThumb).addClass('md-current'); scollThumb(); } else { slideItems[activeIndex].css({top: 0, left: 0}).show(); animateTheCaptions(slideItems[index]); if (buttons) $('div.md-bullet:eq(' + activeIndex + ')', buttons).addClass('md-current'); if (slideThumb) $('a:eq(' + activeIndex + ')', slideThumb).addClass('md-current'); scollThumb(); lock = false; } } function setTimer() { slide(0); timer = setInterval(next, 40); } function next() { if (lock) return false; if (play && !pause) { step += 40; if (step > slideShowDelay) { slideNext(); } else if (loadingBar) { var width = step * slideWidth / slideShowDelay; loadingBar.width(width); timerGlow.css({left: width - 100 + 'px'}); } } } function slideNext() { if (lock) return false; var index = activeIndex; index++; if (index >= numItem && options.loop) { index = 0; slide(index); } else if (index < numItem) { slide(index); } } function slidePrev() { if (lock) return false; var index = activeIndex; index--; if (index < 0 && options.loop) { index = numItem - 1; slide(index); } else if (index >= 0) { slide(index); } } function endMoveCaption(caption) { var easeout = (caption.data("easeout")) ? caption.data("easeout") : "", ieVersion = (!!window.ActiveXObject && +(/msie\s(\d+)/i.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1])) || NaN; if (ieVersion != NaN) ieVersion = 11; else ieVersion = parseInt(ieVersion); clearTimeout(caption.data('timer-start')); if (easeout != "" && easeout != "keep" && ieVersion <= 9) caption.fadeOut(); else { caption.removeClass(effectsIn.join(' ')); if (easeout != "") { if (easeout == "random") easeout = effectsOut[Math.floor(Math.random() * e_out_length)]; caption.addClass(easeout); } else caption.hide(); } } function removeTheCaptions(oItem) { oItem.find(".md-object").each(function () { var caption = $(this); caption.stop(true, true).hide(); clearTimeout(caption.data('timer-start')); clearTimeout(caption.data('timer-stop')); }); } function animateTheCaptions(nextItem) { $(".md-object", nextItem).each(function (boxIndex) { var caption = $(this); if (caption.data("easeout")) caption.removeClass(effectsOut.join(' ')); var easein = caption.data("easein") ? caption.data("easein") : "", ieVersion = (!!window.ActiveXObject && +(/msie\s(\d+)/i.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1])) || NaN; if (ieVersion != NaN) ieVersion = 11; else ieVersion = parseInt(ieVersion); if (easein == "random") easein = effectsIn[Math.floor(Math.random() * e_in_length)]; caption.removeClass(effectsIn.join(' ')); caption.hide(); if (caption.data("start") != undefined) { caption.data('timer-start', setTimeout(function () { if (easein != "" && ieVersion <= 9) caption.fadeIn(); else caption.show().addClass(easein); }, caption.data("start"))); } else caption.show().addClass(easein); if (caption.data("stop") != undefined) { caption.data('timer-stop', setTimeout(function () { endMoveCaption(caption); }, caption.data('stop'))); } }); } //When Animation finishes function transitionEnd() { options.onEndTransition.call(self); $('.md-strips-container', self).remove(); slideItems[oIndex].hide(); slideItems[activeIndex].show(); lock = false; animateTheCaptions(slideItems[activeIndex]); } // Add strips function addStrips(vertical, opts) { var strip, opts = (opts) ? opts : options, stripsContainer = $('
'), stripWidth = Math.round(slideWidth / opts.strips), stripHeight = Math.round(slideHeight / opts.strips), $image = $(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[activeIndex]), $overlay = $('.md-slider-overlay', slideItems[activeIndex]); if ($overlay.length) { var $temp = $('
'); $temp.css({ 'background-color' : $overlay.css('background-color') }); stripsContainer.append ($temp); } if ($image.length == 0) $image = $(".md-mainimg", slideItems[activeIndex]); for (var i = 0; i < opts.strips; i++) { var top = ((vertical) ? (stripHeight * i) + 'px' : '0px'), left = ((vertical) ? '0px' : (stripWidth * i) + 'px'), width, height; if (i == opts.strips - 1) { width = ((vertical) ? '0px' : (slideWidth - (stripWidth * i)) + 'px'), height = ((vertical) ? (slideHeight - (stripHeight * i)) + 'px' : '0px'); } else { width = ((vertical) ? '0px' : stripWidth + 'px'), height = ((vertical) ? stripHeight + 'px' : '0px'); } strip = $('
').css({ width: width, height: height, top: top, left: left, opacity: 0 }).append($image.clone().css({ marginLeft: vertical ? 0 : -(i * stripWidth) + "px", marginTop: vertical ? -(i * stripHeight) + "px" : 0 })); stripsContainer.append(strip); } self.append(stripsContainer); } // Add strips function addTiles(x, y, index) { var tile; var stripsContainer = $('
'); var tileWidth = slideWidth / x, tileHeight = slideHeight / y, $image = $(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[index]), $overlay = $('.md-slider-overlay', slideItems[index]); if ($overlay.length) { var $temp = $('
'); $temp.css({ 'background-color' : $overlay.css('background-color') }); stripsContainer.append ($temp); } if ($image.length == 0) $image = $(".md-mainimg", slideItems[index]); for (var i = 0; i < y; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < x; j++) { var top = (tileHeight * i) + 'px', left = (tileWidth * j) + 'px'; tile = $('
').css({ width: tileWidth, height: tileHeight, top: top, left: left }).append($image.clone().css({ marginLeft: "-" + left, marginTop: "-" + top })); stripsContainer.append(tile); } } self.append(stripsContainer); } // Add strips function addStrips2() { var strip, images = [], stripsContainer = $('
'), $overlay = $('.md-slider-overlay', slideItems[activeIndex]); if ($overlay.length) { var $temp = $('
'); $temp.css({ 'background-color' : $overlay.css('background-color') }); stripsContainer.append ($temp); } $(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[oIndex]), $(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[activeIndex]); if ($(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[oIndex]).length > 0) images.push($(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[oIndex])); else images.push($(".md-mainimg", slideItems[oIndex])); if ($(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[activeIndex]).length > 0) images.push($(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[activeIndex])); else images.push($(".md-mainimg", slideItems[activeIndex])); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { strip = $('
').css({ width: slideWidth, height: slideHeight }).append(images[i].clone()); stripsContainer.append(strip); } self.append(stripsContainer); } // Add strips function addSlits(fx) { var $stripsContainer = $('
'), $image = ($(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[oIndex]).length > 0) ? $(".md-mainimg img", slideItems[oIndex]) : $(".md-mainimg", slideItems[oIndex]), $div1 = $('
').append($image.clone()), $div2 = $('
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var css = (i % 2 == 0) ? { top: '-50%', opacity: 0 } : {bottom: '-50%', opacity: 0}; setTimeout(function () { strip.animate(css, speed, 'easeOutQuint', function () { if (i == options.stripCols - 1) { options.onEndTransition.call(self); $('.md-strips-container', self).remove(); lock = false; animateTheCaptions(slideItems[activeIndex]); } }); }, i * timeStep); }); break; case 'left-curtain': addTiles(options.stripCols, 1, activeIndex); var strips = $('.mdslider-tile', self), width = slideWidth / options.stripCols, timeStep = options.transitionsSpeed / options.stripCols / 2; strips.each(function (i) { var strip = $(this); strip.css({left: width * i, width: 0, opacity: 0}); setTimeout(function () { strip.animate({ width: width, opacity: '1.0' }, options.transitionsSpeed / 2, function () { if (i == options.stripCols - 1) transitionEnd(); }); }, timeStep * i); }); break; case 'right-curtain': addTiles(options.stripCols, 1, activeIndex); var strips = $('.mdslider-tile', self).reverse(), width = slideWidth / options.stripCols, timeStep = options.transitionsSpeed / options.stripCols / 2; strips.each(function (i) { var strip = $(this); strip.css({ right: width * i, left: "auto", width: 0, opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function () { strip.animate({ width: width, opacity: '1.0' }, options.transitionsSpeed / 2, function () { if (i == options.stripCols - 1) transitionEnd(); }); }, timeStep * i); }); break; case 'top-curtain': addTiles(1, options.stripRows, activeIndex); var strips = $('.mdslider-tile', self), height = slideHeight / options.stripRows, timeStep = options.transitionsSpeed / options.stripRows / 2; strips.each(function (i) { var strip = $(this); strip.css({top: height * i, height: 0, opacity: 0}); setTimeout(function () { strip.animate({ height: height, opacity: '1.0' }, options.transitionsSpeed / 2, function () { if (i == options.stripRows - 1) transitionEnd(); }); }, timeStep * i); }); break; case 'bottom-curtain': addTiles(1, options.stripRows, activeIndex); var strips = $('.mdslider-tile', self).reverse(), height = slideHeight / options.stripRows, timeStep = options.transitionsSpeed / options.stripRows / 2; strips.each(function (i) { var strip = $(this); strip.css({bottom: height * i, height: 0, opacity: 0}); setTimeout(function () { strip.animate({ height: height, opacity: '1.0' }, options.transitionsSpeed / 2, function () { if (i == options.stripRows - 1) transitionEnd(); }); }, timeStep * i); }); break; case 'slide-in-right': var i = 0; addStrips2(); var strips = $('.mdslider-strip', self); strips.each(function () { strip = $(this); var left = i * slideWidth; strip.css({ left: left }); strip.animate({ left: left - slideWidth }, options.transitionsSpeed, function () { transitionEnd(); }); i++; }); break; case 'slide-in-left': var i = 0; addStrips2(); var strips = $('.mdslider-strip', self); strips.each(function () { strip = $(this); var left = -i * slideWidth; strip.css({ left: left }); strip.animate({ left: slideWidth + left }, (options.transitionsSpeed * 2), function () { transitionEnd(); }); i++; }); break; case 'slide-in-up': var i = 0; addStrips2(); var strips = $('.mdslider-strip', self); strips.each(function () { strip = $(this); var top = i * slideHeight; strip.css({ top: top }); strip.animate({ top: top - slideHeight }, options.transitionsSpeed, function () { transitionEnd(); }); i++; }); break; case 'slide-in-down': var i = 0; addStrips2(); var strips = $('.mdslider-strip', self); strips.each(function () { strip = $(this); var top = -i * slideHeight; strip.css({ top: top }); strip.animate({ top: slideHeight + top }, options.transitionsSpeed, function () { transitionEnd(); }); i++; }); break; case 'fade': default: var opts = { strips: 1 }; addStrips(false, opts); var strip = $('.mdslider-strip:first', self); strip.css({ 'height': '100%', 'width': slideWidth }); if (fx == 'slide-in-right') strip.css({ 'height': '100%', 'width': slideWidth, 'left': slideWidth + 'px', 'right': '' }); else if (fx == 'slide-in-left') strip.css({ 'left': '-' + slideWidth + 'px' }); strip.animate({ left: '0px', opacity: 1 }, options.transitionsSpeed, function () { transitionEnd(); }); break; 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