JV FaceLinker


Current Version : 3.0.0
Available :
Type Extension :
Created : Wednesday, 18 June 2014 02:06

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 If you want to advertise your product, your website, receive suggestions of customers or anything else by facebook, don’t waver to decide that JV Facelinker is your choice.

This is just a small extension but its features are very helpful and easy to use.

Like other Joomla! extensions, this module is easy to install, support for both joomla 2.5 and 3.0 version. JV Facelinker has friendly style. With this module, you can set facebook like box or facebook live stream on your website. 

ABOUT JV Facelinker

jv facelinker

JV Facelinker

If you want to advertise your product, your website, receive suggestions of costumers or anything else by facebook, don’t waver to decide that JV Facelinker is your choice. This is just a small extension but its features are very helpful and easy to use. Like other Joomla! extensions, this module is easy to install, support for both joomla 1.5 and 1.6 version. JV Facelinker has friendly style. With this module, you can set facebook like box or facebook live stream on your website. Especially, this module can slides in or slides out very flexible.

Live box option:

As the website administrator, from back end page you can set many display options for this module:
* Set url of your facebook page, set link connect to at facelinker icon,
* Set the like box ’s size (width, height), and set the like box position,
* Set your slide’s type or none,
* Choose number of fan will be shown,
* Show or hide stream,
* Show or hide header, border.
jv facelinker option
jv facelinker

Live stream option

* Set your facebook app ID or Api key which you were received from facebook when you registered,
* Set the like stream ’s size (width, height), and set the like stream position,
* Set your slide’s type or none,
* Set XID if you have multiple live stream boxes on the same page,
* Choose to always post to you facebook’s friends or no,
* Set link connect to at facelinker icon,
* Show or hide border.
JV Facelinker is very useful and we hope that it can helps you in your purpose!

JV FaceLinker files:

File name Type Date Download Version
JV Facelinker module module 18-06-2014 36636
0 selected files

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