Install Theme

Installation Wolverine Theme is easy and quick.

If you already had the Shopify site and want to apply the theme to your site, follow the instruction below:


1. In your backoffice go to: YOUR STORE > THEME:

  • Click: Upload a theme

  • Click: Upload

2. In your backoffice go to: YOUR STORE > THEME . At Unpublished themes section:

  • Click: Publish


2. Header Content
3. Currency
4. Customer Accounts

Sub of Mainmenu

Especially, for sub menu of main menu, you should add prefix jvsub- before "handle"

Must specify this item as Megamenu

Active Homepage

Homepage 1

1. Slideshow

The Slideshows configuration stays at tabs 'Material Slideshow' below.

2. Special Offers

3. Latest Products

4. Featured Products

5. Our Collections

6. Blog

Homepage 2

0. Menu

1. Slideshow

The Slideshows configuration stays at tabs 'Material Slideshow' below.

4. Featured Products

3. Latest Products

5. Tabs Collections

6. Blog

Homepage 3

1. Logo

2. Slideshow

The Slideshows configuration stays at tabs 'Material Slideshow' below.

3. Who We Are

4. Quote

5. Portfolio

6. Purchase

7. Creativity & Darings

8. Testimonial

9. Meet Our Team

10. Logo Partner

11. Blog

Homepage 3

1. Logo

2. Home

3. About Us

4. Our Works

5. Services

6. Blog

7. Footer


1. Price format

2. Collections

2. Product page


1. Classic Layout

2. Masonry Layout

2. Sidebar Blog

About US

1. Introduce

2. About Us

3. Services

4. Counter

5. Our Team

6. Testimonials

7. Price Table

8. Logo Partner

Contact US

1. Style 1

2. Style 2



1. Contact information

2. Instagram

3. Contact Us

4. Copyright