What's New
- JV Planify version 1.3 - March 11th, 2016
- [Update] Theme options for: Key word of search bar (home page), My account menu (Header)
- [Fixed] Upload Logo
- [Fixed] Page with sidebar template
- [Update] Latest plugin
- [Fixed] Minor style contact icon
- JV Planify version 1.2 - February 3rd 2016
- Add RTL
- JV Planify version 1.1 - January 30th, 2016
- Add Woocommerce
- Update plugins latest version
- Update Search: Theme setting search
- Update Login
- Update WPML
- JV Planify version 1.0 - December 5th, 2015
- Initial Release
System requirement
Recommended PHP Configuration LimitsMany issues that you may run into as: white screen, blank page, demo content fails when importing... are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits.
How verify Current PHP Limits?You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a plugin WordPress phpinfo Or contact your host and ask them what the current settings are and have them adjust them if needed.
The following is recommended settings of PHP config:
- max_execution_time 3600
- memory_limit 512M
- post_max_size 32M
- upload_max_filesize 32M
- max_input_vars 5000
Install Theme and sample data
1. Install Theme Jv Planify
1. Appearance > Themes > Select Add New > select Upload Theme
2. Active Theme
After installing successfully, active the theme.
2. Install Plugins
1. Begin installing plugins
- When finishing activation Jv Planify theme, a message will be appeared to notice the plugins required
- Click Begin installing plugins
2. Check all plugin and select option Intall > Apply. Then activate these plugins.
Notes: Be sure that all plugins are installed and activated successfully.
3. Install Sample Data
This action will generate sample data for your site just like the default Jv Planify theme .
Step 1 - In Appearance > Themes Settings > Sample Data
Step 2 - Select option Yes for showing the Install sample data button
NOTE: For fully using demo features please install the listing plugins before clicking "install sample data" button or you can find them in __PLUGIN.zip file (located in download package) :
Step 3 - Click Import dummy data
Step 3 - Waiting for action complete.
Step 4 - When successfully import. You will get this:
Step 5 - Finally, the page will be reloaded. You will get a site with sample data, settings and sample images.
Video Install Sample data
Watch The Video TutorialUse Child Theme
You can customize theme by using Jv Planify child theme
Step 1 - Appearance > Themes > Select Add New > select Upload Theme
Step 2 - Then, activate the Jv Planify child theme
Watch The Video TutorialTheme Settings
- Location: Appearance > Theme Setting
- All Settings about: Logo, Fonts, Styles, Favorite icon, Slider, Scrolling effect, Optimize, Sample Data
1. Global tab
- Logo Setting (for desktop and mobile version)
- Direction RTL
- Support Retina
- Go To Top
2. Tabs Google Fonts
Step 1 - Click Add button to add a new font
Step 2 - Fill in these following:
- Title
- Font family automatic suggestion with name of font your are typing
- Font weight : the font weight and style will be generate depend on the font selected, you can choose the style you like.
- Assign to selector : the id, class or html tag that you'd like to apply this font.
3. Tabs Style
Style layout:You cant choose one between: Wide, Boxed, Framed, Rounded
Background layout: As in the illustration you have:
- Choose your page's background color
- Set background image position
- Choose your page's background image
Display panel setting of theme style in frontend or not
- If choose No : that panel will not show
- Else : In frontend you will get the panel setting like this:
How to add your custom color
- Step 1 -Locate to : themes\jv-planify\css\colors: there are folder named : color-1, color-2 ....
- Copy folder color-1: rename this folder to : color-9 (for example)
- Step 2 - In file color-9/style.css: there are 2 main colors and another color (darker value of color2)
- Step 3 - Change these 3 values, depend on your need.
- Step 4 - Replace image: thumbnail.jpg which is displayed preview in theme setting
- Step 5 - In Theme setting: set theme to your new custom color-9.
4. Tabs OWL Slider
- Title: the title of jvSlider
- Element (.class || #id) : element to be added carousel
- Params: parameter of slider See more options
Notes: Be sured that Enable is checked and which Owl carousel's Version used
5. Tabs Scrolling Effect
- Duration : period of time (ms)
- Delay : period of time (s) before starting
- Offset : Scroll to the height of item to start animation (in px)
- Iteration :1
- Effect: running effect (wiew on http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
- Mobile: select whether to run on mobile or not
- Group delay: E.g: if you input 100(ms) the first item will have delay value of 100ms, second item will have delay value of 200ms, third one 300ms and so on ...
- Group point: input class or id, this is first parent level of items selected in "Group delay"
- Direction DESC: Order will reverse values in "Group Delay"
e.g. Counting is set by scrolling effect
See more Demo Effect
6. Tabs Optimize
1. There are all options about optimization your site.
- HTML options
- Javascript options
- CSS options
- CDN options
- Cache Info
- When choosing Optimize CSS Code all css files will be compressing, joined and renaming the files
A compressing css file
- The same for the script and HTML
2.Advanced setting: Click on button Show advanced setting to show advanced setting
For more info and setting, visit Autoptimize plugin
7. Tabs Advanced Theme
In this section you have the setting about Favicon, Background Breadcrumb of page
Favicon : Allow you to change your favorite icon of website.
- Upload a favicon file: there are 3 ways (From computer, url, media upload)
Step 1 - Favicon > Upload Favicon > Upload image (the same as upload media item in Setting Image Logo)
Step 2 - After selecting media item , click Insert into post
- Result
Background Breadcrumb: To change the background of Breadcrumb (default template)
- Choose the image background (by click 3 ways as mentioned above) in Image Header section
Step 1 - Image Header > Upload image (the same as upload media item in Setting Image Logo)
Step 2 - Result
Display Header account
Display My account on header or not
Search plan options: Setting From Jv-Planify 1.1
- Show search location
- Search by Property ID / Address
- Property location
- Property category
- Property price from
- Property price to
- Property bedrooms min
- Property bedrooms max
- Property bathrooms
8. Tabs Sample data
See Sample data
Logo Setting
Appearance > Themes Setting > Global > Logo Setting
1. Logo Text
Step 1 - Select the text type of logo
Step 2 - Then insert your text logo. As a result, you 'll get:
2. Logo Image
Step 1 - Select the Image type of logo
Step 2 - On Logo Desktop, Click upload logo
- You can choose : From computer, From Url or From Media Library
From url : Fill the required info and click Insert into Post
From media library
- Click the link button Show to view the info of media item that you choose to use for logo.
- Then scroll down to see all info of this item, change the info as you want, after all click Insert into Post
When finishing you'll get the logo:
Notes: the ideal logo's dimension of our theme is 165x 61 px
3. Setting Logo mobile
Logo Setting > Logo mobile > Upload logo as the same way as in desktop
Notes: the recommended logo mobile's dimension of our theme is 51 x 61 px
4. Video
1. Header widget
Front end: Header widget section is the rightside section next to the logo
Back end
Step 1 - Go to Appereance > Widgets > Header panel
Step 2 - Drag drop these items to modify the header
2. Footer
In the above image:
1 - Bottom Column Panel
2 - Copyright Panel
3. Blog Sidebar Widget
Front end:
- Appearance > Widget > Blog Sidebar Widget
- You can customize Blog sidebar widget with simple drag drop action here
Easy listing property
1. Setting
1.1 General setting
- In Easy listing property > General setting
- Here you can Enable Listing Types, modify the Labels of listing property, change Currency ...
Single view
Archive view
Search widget
Listing cols
Theme setup
Featured image
1.2 Suburb
You can manage and create new suburb easily
Step 1 - Property > Suburb
Step 2 - Fill the Name, Slug and Description
Step 3 - Click Add new Suburb
Or you can create while creating a new property
1.3 Feature
You can manage and create new feature the same way like suburb
To create: just fill the Name, Slug and Description
Step 1 - Property > Feature
Step 2 - Fill the Name, Slug and Description
Step 3 - Click Add new Feature
1.3 Agent user
EPL use wordpress user for the agent using by username
2. Create new common property
2.1. Instructions
Step 1 - The title: Use the full listing address as the title.
Step 2 - Content: Enter your descriptive text for your listing here. Add images, insert shortcodes, or plain text.
Step 3 - Set the primary listing agent as the author. Update your contact details, bio and social media links from your profile.
Step 4 - Insert these Suburb, Features
Step 5 - Insert Properties' Adress, Property's price
Step 6 - Set feature image. Recommended size: 1140 x 550px
Step 7 - Set Listing details then set Listing type and Display details
Step 9 - Next, set the Files and links
Step 10 - Next, set the Add images to the property's gallery
Step 11 - Finally, set the Set image for the property's social sharing
2.2 Properties' Adress
- Display street Address: show the street address or not.
- Unit: Unit of the address
- Street number: Street number of the address
- Suburb: Suburb of the address
- City: City of the address
- State: State of the address
- Post Code: Post Code of the address
- Country: Country of the address
- Coordinates: coordinates for display maps
2.3 Properties's Price
- Search price Price number to be searchable
- Price Text Price text to display
- Auction Date Date of Auction - Set if List Type: Authority is Auction
- Display Price: Display the price or not
- Under Offer: Property is show but is under offer
- House and Land Package
- Sale Details: use with the Property status is Sold in Listing type section
- Sale Price, Sale Date: Price and day of sale
- Display Sale Price: show sale price above or not
For Price value:- POA if price is not set for Property
- TBA if price is not set for Rental
2.4 Listing details
- Heading Heading to display in list of properties
- List agents
- Office ID: Identify of the office
- Listing agent:
- Second listing agent: If the listing has two real estate agents marketing it, enter their WordPress user name here. The primary agent is the post Author.
- Hide author box: check here if you want to hide author box
2.5 Listing type
- Property status
- Current
- Withdrawn
- Off market
- Sold: Property is sold. Price of sale is set in Property price section
- Date listed: date of listing
- Authority
- Exclusive
- Auction: set Auction here to use the Auction's day in Property price section
- Multilist
- Conjunctionial
- Open
- Sale
- Set Sale
- Category: Depend on type of property: there are:
- Unique Id: unique identifier of property
- XML Importer Mod Date
2.6 Display Details
- Featured: set property is Featured
- Inspection time: Add your inspection dates.
2.7 Listing Features
- House Features Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rooms, Ensuite, Toilet, Garage, Carport, Year Built New Construction, Pool, Air Conditioning, Security System
- Land Details Land Area, Land unit, Building Area, Building unit Full Fenced
2.8 Additional Features
- Internal Features Remote Garage, Secure Parking, Study, Dishwasher, Built In Robes, Gym, Workshop, Rumpus Room, Floor Boards, Broadband, Pay TV, Vacuum System, Intercom, Spa
- External Features Tennis Court, Balcony, Deck,Courtyard, Outdoor Entertaining, Shed Full Fenced
- Heating & Cooling Features Ducted Heating, Ducted Cooling, Split System Heating ,Hydronic Heating, Split System Aircon, Gas Heating, Reverse Cycle Aircon, Evaporative Cooling Open Fire Place
2.9 File and link
- Video URL
- Floorplan, Floorplan 2
- External Link, External Link 2
2.10 Gallery
inserts Facebook Open Graph Tags into your WordPress Blog/Website for more effective and efficient Facebook sharing results.
3 .Property types:
3.1 Property
Property has the common setting above
In category, they have:
House category:
- House
- Unit
- Townhouse
- Villa
- Appartment
- Flat
- Studio
- Warehouse
- Duplexsemi detached
- Alpine
- Acreage Semi-rural
- Retirement
- Block of Units
- Terrace
- Service Appartment
- Other
3.2 Land
Land has the common setting above
But only have Land Features doesn't have House Feature and Additional Feature
- Residential
- Commercial
3.3 Rentals
- Rentals has the common setting above
- Have price for rent instead of Common property price
- - There are these information about rental
- Rent Amount: amount of rental price to be searchable
- Rent Period: day, daily, week, weekly, month, monthly
- Rent Text: label of rental price to display
- Display rent: display rent or not
- Bond: amount of bound
- Date available: for rent
- Furnished: property has furnished or not.
- Rental's Property status: Have an other status of Leased instead of Sold status in Listing type section
3.4 Rural
- Rural has the common setting above
- Cropping
- Dairy
- Farmlet
- Horticulture
- Livestock
- Viticulture
- Mixed Farming
- Lifestyle
- Other
- They have House feature, Land feature, Additional Feature and also have Rural feature
- Fencing
- Annual Rainfall
- Soil Types
- Improvements
- Council Rates
- Irrigation
- Carrying Capacity
3.5 Commercial
- Commercial has the common setting above
- There are some extra setting for Commercial section: Commercial category, Commercial feature, Commercial Authority, Commercial leasing, and Commercial list type
-Commercial category
- Commercial Farming
- Land/Development
- Hotel/Leisure
- Industrial/Warehouse
- Mediacal/Consulting
- Offices :
- Retail
- Showrooms/Bulky Goods
- Other
- Commercial Feature
- Further Options
- Zone : Zone of commerce
- Car Spaces
- Highlight 1,Highlight 2,Highlight 3
- Parking comment
- Is multiple: yes/ no
- Commercial Authority
- Commercial list type
- Lease
- Rent
- Both
Commercial leasing
- Commercial Rent
- Lease period
- Rent Range min/max
- Lease End date
- Property Extent: Whole/ part
Tenant status
- Vacant
- Tenant
- Unknown
- Commercial Outgoings
- Plus Outgoings: or not
- Return
- Terms
- External link 3
- Mini website Url, Mini website Url 2, Mini website Url 3
3.6 Commercial land
- Commercial Land has the same setting as Commercial except Land details
3.7 Business
- Business has the common setting above
Create a business category just like a normal category
Step 1 - Business > Business Listing
Step 2 - Fill the Name, Slug and Description
Step 3 - Click Add new Business Listing
These category is showed in listing and you can set as below
The same Commercial leasing without instead of Tenant status and Commercial outgoing
There are Taking (Business)- Taking
- Franchise
Listing EPL
Listing Element
- Post type
- Status
- Limit
- Location
- Sort by/ Sort order
In Front end:
Listing Feature Element
- Post type
- Status
- Feature, Feature id: related to Listing Feature Fill with the Tag's slug of Feature
- Limit
- Template: JV Slider
In Front end:
contactForm #
Easily modify your contact form, manage and use theme by shortcode
EPL Author box
Admin > Users > Edit user profile
In Easy Property Listings: Author Box Profile insert the contact form shortcode in Contact form listing above
Note: Input your contact form shortcode with the attributes in single quote ('')
E.g. [contact-form-7 id='501' title='Contact form 1']
EPL Author box front end view
Contact form tab
Profile tab
Bio tab
1. Default Home
Setting Page attributes : select Page' Parent No parent, Template Homepage
Step 1 - Pages > All Pages > Select Home
Step 2 - In Page Attributes: Select Template Home
Step 3 - Add other elements : Revolution slider, jv Testimonials and Listing Feature EPL
Blog Page
First, you create these Blog posts, then create Portfolio page to show these posts by adding Jv Recent post elements with these JV recent posts templates
1. Create blog post
Step 1 - Posts > Add new
Step 2 - Create a title, and insert your post content in the editing field.
Step 3 - Assign post to Category
Step 4 - (optional) Assign post to Tag and set Featured image
Step 5 - (optional) Set Gallery and Post option (for Video and Audio post)
As illustrator in the image above
- Gallery: used for post with a gallery inside
- Post Option
- Audio: : using shortcode [jv_audio]
e.g. : [jv_audio]https://soundcloud.com/twaynemusic/turnt[/jv_audio]
- Video : using shortcode [jv_video]
e.g. : [jv_video height='400']https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=586W3TF-CFA[/jv_video]
- Audio: : using shortcode [jv_audio]
2. Create blog page
Step 1 - Pages > Add new
Step 2 - Enter Page's title
Step 3 - Setting Page attributes : select Page' Parent Blog then Page Options will shown
Step 4 - Setting Page options
Page Attributes
- Select Parent Blog
- Depend on style you want to show: there are these templates:
Page Options
- Select Category: Choose the category to show
- Select Column: Number of column of blog page
- Posts per page: Total of posts per page.
3. Blog Page Templates
Blog Left Sidebar page
Pages > All Pages > Select Left Sidebar page
In Page Attributes:
- Select Parent Blog
- Template Blog-Sidebar-Left
Blog Right Sidebar page
Pages > All Pages > Select Right Sidebar page
In Page Attributes:
- Select Parent :Blog
- Template :Blog-Sidebar-Right
Blog No Sidebar page
Pages > All Pages > Select No Sidebar page
In Page Attributes:
- Select Parent Blog
- Template Blog-No-Sidebar
Blog Fullwidth page
Pages > All Pages > Select Fullwidth page
In Page Attributes:
- Select Parent Blog
- Template Blog-Fullwidth
4. Blog post templates JV Recent post
Step 1: Edit a Page > Choose Backend Editor mode
Step 2: Add new element via Visual composer > Choose JV Recent post element
Step 3: Edit with these JV recent post setting Filter setting, Icon setting and Advanced setting below
Ref: see Home blog news page
Filter setting
- Limit to Category, Limit to Taxonomy and Limit to Tag - specify which Category, Tag of post to show
- Number of posts to show - maximum post items to show
- Offset
- Order and Orderby - Order direction and order
Display setting - Specify which part of post to show
- Thumbnail (relevant for Thumbnail height, Thumbnail width, Thumbnail align, Default Thumbnail), Excerpt (relevant for Excerpt Length)
- Title, Date, comment, author, category, tag, Read more (relevant for Readmore text)
Icon setting
You can use icon font here for each post's attribute if show. Available fields are: Date, Comment, Author, Category and Tags
Advanced setting
In this setting you have:
- Title Widget Sub Title Widget
- Template - see blog template lists of Planify theme
- Number of column - How many column to display in template
- Title URL
- CSS ID, CSS Class - Additional class, css id
- HTML or text before the recent posts
- HTML or text after the recent posts
Blog element template (JV Recent post) lists
- Latest new
4. Blog Sidebar Widget
Blog Sidebar WidgetJV Extended posts - Testimonials
1- Create new post item
Step 1 - JV Extended Posts > Add New
Step 2 - Fill the nessesary contents : The title, the content, the excerpt.
Step 2 - Assign to Category in Categories panel
Step 3 - Set featured image of your Testimonials post (if necessary)
Step 4 - Publish your post.
2 - Add new Extended posts item in page
It is the same way to add any other element on page
Step 1 - In Back end mode : Add new element
Step 2- Choose Jv Extended Posts
Step 3- Setting element post layout : currently has two layout: JV Extended posts - FAQ and JV Extended posts - jvTestimonials
2.1 - JV Extended posts - FAQ
Create new post:
Setting a Jv extended post
- Alternative Layout: faqs
- Filter with categories: FAQs plan
- Class Suffix: faq-plans
Ref: FAQ page.
2.2 - JV Extended posts - jvTestimonials
Create new Jv testimonial post:
Setting a Jv extended post
- Alternative Layout: testimonials
- Filter with categories: Testimonials
- Class Suffix: space20
In frontend you will get result:
Ref: Home page
This theme is now compatible with Woocommerce. From Jv-Planify 1.1
Translation/ Localization
1.Configure site language:
Settings -> General: select your language at the bottom of the page. WordPress will automatically use the right language files if they exist:
Or set your language in wp-config.php, like this:
2. Translation:
Create translation from pot file.
- Step 1 - Locate to pot file. There are 2 locations: [Theme] themes/jv-planify/languages and [Plugin] plugins/easy-property-listings/lib/languages
- Step 2 - Create po and mo file from pot file above. You can use Poedit.
-- Open pot file -> Click on Create new translation.
-- Select your language need to be translated.
- Step 3 - Translate to your language.
- Step 4 - Save this po file, it will also generate/update mo file. Remember, if you use the wrong naming convention WordPress won’t be able to use your translation, so double-check if necessary.
- Step 5 - Upload po and mo files translated to the same folder with origin pot file.
Notes: You should clear your browser cache or your Wordpress cache for updating translation
2.1.Localization theme folder
In this theme: themes/jv-planify/languages
You should name your translated file same as your language code
2.2.Localization plugin folder
In this theme: Plugin easy-property-listings: plugins/easy-property-listings/lib/languages
Depend on plugin, You should name your translated file same as the origin plugin pot file with your language code as a suffix
Notes: this EPL plugin they give us availability to control some of Label in frontend. These label can not be translated.
3.Share your Language files with others
When done with your language translation this theme, we and many of our users will be delighted if you share your translation files. Just get in contact with us via our email and we will include the translation files in the next theme update if possible.
We appreciate your contribution!!
The WordPress Multilingual Plugin - makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.
You need first Configuration. Then Translating your content
1.Install Plugins
- Install plugin name sitepress-multilingual-cms and wpml-string-translation in the WPML folder
- WPML 3.1.5 or above
- WPML String Translation 2.0 or above
- WPML Translation Management 1.9 or above
- WPML Media Translation 2.1 or above
- WooCommerce
2. Configuration
2.1 Choose the container of switcher
Step 1 - WPML → Languages : In Language switcher options: check panel option to add switcher in the panel of Header
Step 2 - In Appearance → Widgets: Make sure that Language Selector is dropped in the Header Panel
Result, you will get the language switcher in the header like this:
2.2. Set languages
Step 1 - Config: WPML → Languages :
Step 2 - In Site Languages: Here you can change the default langue or add / remove a language
2.3. Localize the theme
Step 1 - WPML → Theme and plugins localization
Step 2 - Choose Translate by WMPL(to use the String Translation module with the built-in translation (from .mo files))
To enable localization for your language:
1. Set the Local file name column.
2. Download the WordPress locale file from WordPress localization project (if language package does not exists) and save it to wp-includes/languages or wp-content/languages .
3. Translation Content
After setting WPML you must have your contents translated into your setting language to show
3.1 Translate a page / post
Step 1 - Click on the ‘+’ icons in the posts or pages list: to create new page
Step 2 - You are creating a translation for the post/page
You must also Translate categories and taxonomies
3.2. Translate Other Content
When using WooCommerce you can use Woocommerce Multilanguage for easier translation
There are also these thing to translate : Widgets and Menu
3.3. String translation
For other text in the theme (e.g. Widget title, input search placeholder...), You can use this String translation module for management
Step 1 - In WPML → String Translation
Step 2 - Insert the keyword and Filter the result by chosing Context (e.g. jv_Planify).
Step 3 - Choose the word with Status : Not translated and click translations link
Step 4 - Translate the content then check Translation complete (if yes) and Save.
Thank you
Thank you for choosing our JV Planify theme.
For any need do not hesitate to contact our support team via our email joomlavi.dev (at) gmail