Cloud 1
- 2x 2.0GHz CPU
- 2048MB DDR3 RAM
- 40GB Disk Space
- 1TB Bandwidth
No matter which location you choose for your dedicated server, you can be sure that it will be hosted in one of the best data centers in the region. To make your choice of server even easier we have created an exclusive selection of high performing and stable machines.
Our best experts will take care of your dedicated server. We will setup your server initially, keep all server software always up-to-date, monitor 24/7 the performance of your machine and react immediately in case of an issue.
Our best experts will take care of your dedicated server. We will setup your server initially, keep all server software always up-to-date, monitor 24/7 the performance of your machine and react immediately in case of an issue.
For really big and popular Joomla websites!
For really big and popular WordPress websites!
For really big and popular Magento websites!
For really big and popular WordPress websites!
The Cloud Performance Booster includes a unique server setup with multiple performance optimizations, including fastCGI and APC (Alternative PHP Cache). This setup has been extensively tested by our experts and has proved to improve the performance of Joomla, WordPress, Magento and most of the other PHP-based applications dramatically.
As part of the Performance Booster you will also receive our SuperCacher. It will be added to your cPanel and will allow you to take advantage of several different options for performance improvement including Memcached and Google PageSpeed. For Joomla, WordPress and Magento the SuperCacher also allows the usage of an advanced dynamic caching option based on the accelerator Varnish.