/** * @package HikaShop for Joomla! * @version 2.3.0 * @author hikashop.com * @copyright (C) 2010-2014 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ var hikashop_ratings = new Class({ Implements : Options, options : { showSelectBox : false, container : null, defaultRating : null, id : 'hikashop_vote_' }, selectBox : null, container : null, initialize : function(selectBox, options) { // set the custom options this.setOptions(options); var id = selectBox.getAttribute('id') + '_chzn'; // set the selectbox this.selectBox = $(selectBox); // hide the selectbox if (!this.options.showSelectBox) { //this.selectBox.setStyle('display', 'none'); if(document.getElementById(id) != null) { document.id(id).dispose(); if(typeof(jQuery)!='undefined' && jQuery().chosen){ jQuery(id+'-chzn').remove(); } } } // set the container this.setContainer(); // add stars this.selectBox.getElements('option').each( this.createStar.bind(this) ); // bind events this.container.addEvents({ mouseover : this.mouseOver.bind(this), mouseout : this.mouseOut.bind(this), click : this.click.bind(this) }); // bind change event for selectbox if shown if (this.options.showSelectBox) { this.selectBox.addEvent('change', this.change.bind(this)); } // set the initial rating this.setRating(this.options.defaultRating); }, // set the container from options or create default setContainer : function() { if (document.getElementById(this.options.container)) { this.container = document.getElementById(this.options.container); return; } this.createContainer(); }, // create the html container for the rating stars createContainer : function() { this.container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'ui-rating' }).inject(this.selectBox, 'after'); //this.container = document.getElementById("hikashop_vote_stars").innerHTML = "
" ; }, // create the html rating stars createStar : function(option) { var e = new Element('a', { //e.set({ id : this.options.id + '_' + option.getAttribute('value'), 'class' : 'ui-rating-star ui-rating-empty', title : '' + option.innerHTML, value : option.getAttribute('value') }); e.inject(this.container); //new Element(document.getElementById("ui-rating").innerHTML = "").injectAfter(this.container); }, // handle mouseover event mouseOver : function(e) { if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; $(e.target).addClass('ui-rating-hover'); var c = $(e.target).getPrevious(); while(c) { c.addClass('ui-rating-hover'); c = c.getPrevious(); } }, // handle mouseout event mouseOut : function(e) { if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; $(e.target).removeClass('ui-rating-hover'); var c = $(e.target).getPrevious(); while(c) { c.removeClass('ui-rating-hover'); c = c.getPrevious(); } }, // handle click event click : function(e) { if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; var rating = e.target.getAttribute('title').replace('', ''); var from = this.selectBox.getAttribute('id'); this.setRating(rating); this.selectBox.set({value: rating}); //send the id of the view which send the vote ( mini / form ) hikashop_send_vote(rating, from); }, // handle change event change : function(e) { var rating = $(e.target).get('value'); this.setRating(rating); }, // set the current rating setRating : function(rating) { // use selected rating if none supplied if (!rating) { rating = this.selectBox.getAttribute('value'); // use first rating option if none selected if (!rating) { //rating = this.selectBox.getElement('option[value!=]').getAttribute('value'); rating = 0; } } // get the current selected rating star var current = this.container.getElement('a[title=' + rating + ']'); // highlight current and previous stars in yellow if(current && rating != 0) { current.set({'class': 'ui-rating-star ui-rating-full'}); var c = current.getPrevious(); while(c) { c.set({'class': 'ui-rating-star ui-rating-full'}); c = c.getPrevious(); } // remove highlight from higher ratings var c = current.getNext(); while(c) { c.set({'class': 'ui-rating-star ui-rating-empty'}); c = c.getNext(); } } // synchronize the rate with the selectbox this.selectBox.set({value: rating}); } }); if(MooTools.version == '1.12') { hikashop_ratings.implement(new Options); }