JV Ajax Search

Searching for an article or a product was never easy like this before with our JV Ajax search. The clean and fancy design will help you impress your visitors. There is a wide range of configuration options and parameters allowing you to enable Google web search, Google image search, Google video search and google blog search.

JV Ajax Search

Extension Attributes

Current Version : 3.0.1
Available : 2.5 3.x
Type Extension m
Changelog : Views
(3 votes)

ABOUT JV Ajax search

jv ajax search

JV Ajax search

JV AJAX SEARCH For Joomla 3.0 , for more info: You can use it to search contents from site. JV AJAX SEARCH has more options too, you can choose .

Template Search Options

-Choise Components: Component Content, Component K2
-Input default text: Indicate textbox’s default value.
-Button text: button search’s caption
-Number result suggest
template search option
template result options

Template result options

-Show title : show/ hide
-Link title : show/ hide
-Show Description: show/ hide
-Show Related : show/ hide
-Show Date : show/ hide
-Show paging : show/ hide
-Record of page: Indicate the number of records to be shown per page.