Downloading JV Signature
To find and download JV Signature, you have to sign up for a free membership account.
Go to JV Signature download page, check the box in front of the file to select it and click download.
If the downloaded file has ‘unzip_first’ in its name, please remember to extract to get the ‘install file’.
Installing JV Signature
Go to Joomla! back end, open Extensions menu and select Extension Manager.
On install tab, in the ‘Upload Package File’ section, browse for the install file you extract, then click “Upload & Install” to start the installation process.
Once the installation is completed, double check in plug-in manager to see if the extension has been enabled or not.
Utilizing JV Signature
In Back-end:
The display of signature can be managed on three different levels in Back-end.
Global/Entire site:
The site’s administrator staff can chose to enable or disable signature display for the entire site. To do so, simply go to Article Manager (inside Content Menu), open the Options popup and edit the parameter “Show author signature” found in Article Tab.
User level:
This level allow the creation and changing of a user’s signature, as well as enable/disable signature display on all articles created by said user. To configure these properties, open User Manager (inside Users Menu), search for the user in question using the search tool, open the user’s Edit Profile page, then configure the “Show author signature” and “Author signature” parameters.
Article level:
Signature display can be enable/disable for individual article in the edit Article Page.
In Front-end:
In Front-end, a user can create/edit his signature and enable/disable signature display for all articles created by said user.
To access these function, the user need to:
Login using his account
Open “Your Profile” from User Menu
Open “Edit Profile”
Edit the “Show author signature” and “Author signature” parameters.
With Signature Displayed enable on all 3 level, there should be an author signature at the end of an article’s content.