JV HotNews

Need to highlight new articles on your site to make it stand out? Why not try this sweet module.

The JV Hotnews module will enhance your website by displaying headline with Ajax and a lot effects. This may be the amazing module that you are looking for whole years. Just awesome!

JV HotNews

Extension Attributes

Current Version : 3.0.0
Available : 2.5 3.x
Type Extension m
Changelog : Views
(3 votes)

ABOUT JV Hotnews

jv hotnews

Jv hotnews feature

Just only display headline with ajax and alot effects!
As like Yahoo hot news


- Headline
- Selects Articles from one or more Categories. If no selection will show all categories as default
- Count: The number of Articles to display (the default is 5)
- Order: Ordering Options. Touched First means:
* Modified First if article has been modified at least one time
* Created if article has only been created.
- Filter by author
- Show/Hide Articles designated as Featured
- Target: New window, Parent window, Same window, Top window
jv hotnews
jv hotnews
- Width
- Height
- Delay
- Duration
- Transition: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic, Sinusoidal, Exponential, Bouncing, Elastic
- Ease: easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut
- Fx: Random, Fade, Fade Left, Fade Right, Fade Top, Fade Bottom, Fade All, Cross Fade Left, Cross Fade Right, Cross Fade Top, Cross Fade Bottom, Cross Fade All, Slide Left, Slide Right, Slide Top, Slide Bottom, Slide All
- Show/Hide date
- Enable/Disable Force effect
- Enable/Disable Arrows
- Enable/Disable Auto hide arrows
- Enable/Disable Prev arrow
- Enable/Disable Pause arrow
- Enable/Disable Next arrow
- Enable/Disable Auto play
jv hotnews