JV Photos

An easy to use Joomla! extension that allow you to displayed your photos, complete with thumbnails underneath.

JV Photos

Extension Attributes

Current Version : 3.0.1
Available : 2.5 3.x
Type Extension m
Changelog : Views
(2 votes)


jv photos

JV Photos

A Joomla! extension that allow you to displayed your photos, complete with thumbnails underneath.

Basic Option

- Images location
- Width/height
- Delay
- Duration
- Transition: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic, Sinusoidal, Exponential, Bouncing, Elastic
- Ease: easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut
jv photos
jv photos

Advanced Options

- Items show - Enable/Disable Arrows
- Enable/Disable Auto run
- Enable/Disable Keyboard
- Caching
- Cache time