JV Slide

Our JV Slide, a very easy to setup module, will display your images in an attractive manner. JV slide shows the main image plus a preview of preceding and succeeding images in slide panels. The display is fully customizable; you can also upload your images easily.

Extension Attributes

Current Version : 1.0.0
Available : 2.5
Type Extension m
(1 Vote)


jv slide

JV Slide

The JV Slide module allows to display the images with effect. Source folder and listing.


-Path: This is where you enter the path to your image folder.
-Custom list images: This is where you set the images you want to use, as well as assigning title, redirect links and description to those images.
-Show control: You can set the control arrows to “always” appear, only appear when you ”hover” the cursor over it, or disabled altogether (“none”)
-Show description: You can set the description to “always” appear, only appear when you ”hover” the cursor over it, or disabled altogether (“none”)
-Panel height: This parameter affects the height of your slide’s panel.
-Padding top: This is where you set your top padding (the padding between image and panel’s top)
-Space: The space between ‘larger image’ and ‘smaller images’.
-Duration: The amount of time it takes to switch from one image to another.
-Large width: The width of the ‘larger image’
-Large height: The height of the ‘larger image’
-Small width: The width of the ‘smaller images’
-Small height: The height of the ‘smaller images’
-Description height: The height of the description box
jv slide option