Hello, great theme but a little bit more complicated as usual. So I'm little bit lost for some things if you can help me it will be great.
1/ I install demo sample and everything works but the 4 blocs under the slide (with icon "web design") don't appear in front site. I see them on my home page (visual composer boxes) but nothing appear in front.
2/ I would like to disable the side menu and have a normal menu on home like in pages
3/ If i upload a logo image how can i do for have this logo in black on stickymenu on home and also in white on stickymenu in all other pages ?
I can send you my purchase code and my login details if you need.
Best regards
1/ I install demo sample and everything works but the 4 blocs under the slide (with icon "web design") don't appear in front site. I see them on my home page (visual composer boxes) but nothing appear in front.
2/ I would like to disable the side menu and have a normal menu on home like in pages
3/ If i upload a logo image how can i do for have this logo in black on stickymenu on home and also in white on stickymenu in all other pages ?
I can send you my purchase code and my login details if you need.
Best regards