Go go JV K2 download area, there will be multiple files in the download page. Before selecting which file(s) to download, please consider what you are planning to do.
If you are setting up a new site, the Quick-Start package is the way to go, It will install an entire new site with all associated extensions and styled to look like the template’s live demo.
If you already have a site and don’t want to replace it, or you only want the template without extensions and styling, JV K2 package will be your choice. This package includes JV K2 template, JV Framework components and featured extensions. Installing will give you only a new template/theme without any extension or data loss.
1. Installation with Quick-start version
If you are new to Joomla, please check the following guide:
2. Installation with template/theme version
Once you have download the JV K2 package. Make sure to extract the package until you get : JV Framework zip file and JV K2 zip file
Log into your joomla! back-end, navigate to Extension => Extension Manager
On install tab, in the ‘install from package’ section, browse JV Framework zip file
Click on ‘Upload & Install’.
If you are not familiar with Extension installation. Please check the following guide for more detail
Now you can find ‘JV Framework” from the component menu. Go to Component => JV Framework
In the “theme” tab, click on button install theme , browse for JV K2 theme file, then click install.
- Go to “style” tab, create a new style using “jv-k2” for the “theme” drop down and set it as default style.
Managing JV K2
With JV Framework, you can edit the theme’s files (.css, .xml, etc) via “Edit Theme”, which can be opened by clicking on the theme’s name in “theme” tab.
The Template layout can be modified. in the “style” tab, by clicking on the style you are using. The main “style” difference between Theme-Templates is the position layout.
The following image will show the default position layout of JV K2:
The following are extensions that cannot be found or re-created with a default “Joomla!” installation.
If you install JV K2 Quickstart package, the extensions will be installed along with the theme, including the styling. Otherwise, you will have to install them from our extension package or find and download them manually.
1. JV k2 component
A well-known and powerful article managing component developed by JoomlaWorks.
Where to find:
- JV-K2 Extensions pack
-The original developers’ site:
*Setting up K2 to make it similar to quick-start/demo:
We will not explain how to configure and use K2. If you need to learn how to use it, please visit this page:
We will only concentrate on how to set up menus and module to make it look like the demo-quickstart site:
Create 8 or more categories in K2. On the demo/quickstart version, these categories are: “Portfolio”, “Products”, “Joomla! Templates”, “Joomla! Extensions”, “Our Recent Work”, “Category 1”, “Category2” and “Tutorial”
Create in Main menu 6 menu items using K2 based menu item types according to the following screenshot.
In the back end, create 4 modules using the “K2 Content” Module type, name them: “Work Porfolio”, “Category 1”, “Latest Posts” and “Our recent work”. Key these module to the categories “Portfolio”, “Category 1”, “Category2” and “Our Recent Work”; respectively.
Set the parameter “Select sub-template” to “LatestPosts” for “Latest Posts”, “K2” for “Work Portfolio”, “Our recent work” and “Category 1”.
Assign “Latest Posts” to the position left on all pages.
Assign ““Our Recent Work” to the position “user1”, “Work Porfolio” to the position “user15”, “Category 1” to the position “user2”, all of them on Home page only.
Create 3 more modules, one of which use the module type “K2 Users”, while the other two use the module type ”K2 Tools”. Name these modules “K2 Author”, “K2 Categories” and “K2 Tags” respectively.
Assign the module “K2 Author” to the position “Left” on all pages.
In “K2 Categories”, select “Categories List (Menu)” from “Select module functionality” parameter, then assign it to the position “left” on all pages.
In “K2 Tags”, select “Tag Cloud” from “Select module functionality”, then assign it to the position “user7” on all pages.
K2 Menu items
2. JV Slider Pro
A new module developed by Joomlavi group to replace the current JV Slideshow eventually. It allows the user to create image slides, similars to the old JV Slideshow.
Please note that JV Slide Pro parameters are normally hidden by default, and you will need to click on a parameter set’s title to expand it.
Where to find: JV-K2 Extension package.
Setting up JV Slide Pro to make your site similar to the quick-start/demo version:
Upload the images you want to use to a folder in your site’s directory.
Go to your site back-end, create a module using the “JV Slide Pro” module type, or use the default module that was created upon installation.
In “Get source from”, select “From directory” then click on the blue bar to open the parameter set. Enter the path to your image folder, the file extensions you want to use and any filter element.
In Slideconfig, select the slide style, then click on the blue bar to open the parameter set. Configure the slide parameters to your liking and save.
Assign the module to the position “slide” on all pages.
Click on “View Site” to see the result