Go to JV Strategy download page, there will be multiple files in the download page. Before selecting which file(s) to download, please consider what you are planning to do.
If you are setting up a new site, the Quick-Start package is what you are in need, The Quick-start package will help you create an entire new site with all included extensions and styled to look like the template’s live demo. The Quickstart pacakge contains Joomla CSM, JV Strategy template, JV Framework and extension.
If you already have a site and don’t want to replace it, or you don’t want all the extensions of quick-start version, the JV Strategy package will be your choice. With it, you can Install a theme-template without any data loss and all extensions will be optional. JV Strategy package includes JV Framework, Template and Extension. Please make sure you extract the package and get separate JV Framework zip file, JV Template Zip file, Extension zip file
1. Installation with Quick-start package
Once you have Quicstart packaged downloaded, please refer the following guide
2. Installation with template/theme version
After getting separate zip files of JV Framework, JV Strategy template, extensions. Log into your joomla! back end, select extension manager (Joomla! 2.5) or Install/Uninstall (Joomla! 1.5) from extension manager menu.
On install tab, in the ‘install from package’ section, browse for JV Framework’s ‘install file’ gotten in the first step.
Click on ‘Upload & Install’. Both JV Framework and the theme JV Strategy will be installed to your site.
Open ‘JV Framework” from the component menu, and in “Style” tab, create a style using “JV Strategy” theme.
Install the rest of the extensions or just the ones you need.
Managing JV Strategy
For the basic functions of JV Framework, please refer to JV Framework User guides.
Please note that in this template, JV Frame Work’s “Module Style Options” drop down may appear above a Module’s default Parameters/Options dropdown(s)
The main difference between themes when using JV Framework is the position layout. The following image will show the default layout of JV Strategy:
The following are extensions that cannot be found or re-created with a default “Joomla!” installation.
If you used the Quick-start version of JV Strategy template, these will be installed along with the theme, including the styling. For an extensions package user, these will be included in the package along with the template:
1. JV Slidershow
JV Slideshow is an extension developed by Joomlavi group that allows users to create image sliders.
Where to find
You can find JV Slideshow in the extension package or in JV Slideshow overview page.
Setting up JV Slideshow to make it similar to quick-start/demo:
- Prepare a folder where you store the images you wanted to use.
- Within your site back end, go to Module Manager and create a JV Slideshow type module. You can also use the default module “JV Slideshow”
- Inside Module mod, set the location to your image folders, set your ‘source’ parameter as ‘List’.
- Click on the button to add slide to your slideshow, enter the names of the image files you want to use and their respective descriptions into the slides.
- Set the module to published/enable, assign it to position ‘user15’ on all pages.
- Save the setting and click on Preview (Joomla! 1.5) or View Site (Joomla! 2.5).
2. JV Slider
Where to find
You can find JV Slider in the extension package or download from JV Slide overview page
Setting up JV Slider to make it similar to quick-start/demo:
- Prepare a folder where you store the images you wanted to use.
- Within your site back end, go to Module Manager and create a JV Slider type module. You can also use the default module “JV Slider”
- Inside Module mod, set the location to your image folders, set your ‘source’ parameter as ‘Folder’.
- Set the module to published/enable, assign it to position ‘footer’ on all pages.
Save the setting and click on Preview (Joomla! 1.5) or View Site (Joomla! 2.5).
JV News
JV News is a module developed by Joomlavi group that allow you to display articles in e-newspapers style.
*Where to find:
- With styling: Extensions package included in JV Strategy.
- Without styling: JV News overview page
Setting up JV News to make your site similar to the quick-start/demo version:
- Go to your site back-end, create at least one category and the article inside it. In quick-start/demo version, the category involved is “About us”
- Open the module manager and create a module using “JV News” module type, and name it “About us”.
- In the “Categories” parameter of the module, select the article category created in the first step.
- Assign “About us” to the position ‘User16’ on home pages.