Ibizz - Responsive Wordpress theme is a powerful, professional, clean and stylish business theme which will showcase you app, services, portfolio or products in style. This Elegant Themes design gives you maximum flexibility and simplicity iBizz also includes beautiful blog, portfolio design and many custom post and page types. It is a great theme for those of sophisticated taste.
The detailed documentation also comes with screenshots and step-by-step instructions so you can get your site set up and running quickly and customized to your exact style. Ibizz is powered by the Redux Framework, allowing you to easily customize your site without any advanced programming skills required.


Ibizz's responsive design adapts smoothly to different screen sizes, auto changes its appearance and layout based on the size of the screen the website is displayed on. Fits and looks great on Desktops, Tablets, Smartphones...6 PRESET COLORS
Available in 6 beautiful preset colors: easy to switch between colors, within 2 clicks to change entire color theme.

Only a few languages in the glope use RTL text direction, but these languages cover over a billion people. Ibizz is added RTL feature making sure it looks great on any mode.TYPOGRAPHY
To help you show your content in the most attractive and creative way, Ibizz provides several typography options.

Ibizz supports this type of navigation making the site look greater and more artistic creativity, quickly navigate your visitors to categories and products.INSTALLATION & DOCUMENTATION
You can create an entire new site cloning our demo with no more than 5 minutes with Ibizz Quickstart Installation Package. The theme comes with detail documentation with snapshots and step by step instructions to help you easily set up and customize your website.

I Bizz is driven by standard HTML5/CSS3 modern technology and tested and optimized for Firefox 5+, Internet Explorer 9+ and Chrome 13+. IE 8+.WORDPRESS - REDUX - BOOTSTRAP - SHORTCODE
Built on latest version of Wordpress and Redux making the theme easy to be customized. Ibizz is also integrated Twitter Bootstrap and powerful shortcodes

Your site will impress visitor with beautiful blog page added in Ibizz themePORTFOLIO PAGE
Ibizz includes appealing portfolio page to promote your portfolios in the most impressive and attractive way.