JV Cooking

Get customers’ attention with our newest release – JV Cooking!!

JV Cooking- a Joomla cafe & restaurant template of different types dealing with food and drink is on the edge of web design and include amazing features. It will be a perfect website solution for your Food store drink store or any store related. It comes with 4 amazing color themes, clean styles and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration. JV Cooking also supports K2 component to manage your site content easier,In the design, you can see the beautiful slider which display your foods in an effective way. If you are looking for a site with eye-catching visuals for your food and drink we definitely recommend JV Cooking Template.

As a template built using our power JV Framework, JV cooking comes with several customization tools, making the process of giving your site a personal touch much easier and faster.

JV Cooking


Type : Joomla Template
Current Version : 2.5.1
Available : 2.5
(1 Vote)
JV Cookingt is SEO friendly and include the latest CSS and HTML features. Most people use mobile devices and tablets nowadays, so the templates should be ready and optimized for mobile use. The admin panel should be easy to modify and the right template will give you full control to the pages needed to be added.

ABOUT JV Cooking

support RTL layout

Right to left language layout

JV Cooking has support for languages that are written from Right-to-Left, such as Hebrew and Arabic. Not only is the text displayed from right-to-left, but the orientation of the layout elements on the page, such as menus, is also right-to-left. JV Cooking will looks great on RTL mode.

Drop and drag module position

JV Cooking supports drag and drop modules feature which allows the user to move modules from one place to another directly without much effort. Moreover, module positions are designed in a smart way to cover all possible spot where you would like to put content. Now, managing the layout for the template is so easy. Simply dag the modules and drop on the desired position.
drag and drop module
multiple layout options

Multiple layout options

Beside the Drag and Drop modules feature,JV Cooking is incorporated with multiple layout types. Altogether make the layout system flexible and capable. JV Cooking is built on JV Framework, which help you switch the entire site in a few clicks.

4 colors available

This Joomla template comes with 4 color variations green, red, orange, blue. You can change the look of your website as easily as pie to suit your users’ preferences with a few clicks.

4 beautiful color preset
joomla template optimized for seo

SEO optimized

As you know SEO is one of the most important elements for any online business, and of course your food store is not an exception. Not only did we focus on the look of the template but is was also totally optimized for Search Engines. Your site's position is our care!

Browser compatibility

To maximize visibility to your customers, we spent pretty much time testing JV Cooking on each web browser to ensure they are compatible with most popular web browser such as Firefox, IE 8+, Chrome, Opera, Safari...
browsers supported